Making homeowners think twice about FireSmart plants.
Did you know some plants are actually wildfire hazards that could easily lead flames to your door? Neither do most homeowners in BC. The good news is, the FireSmart BC Plant Program was designed to educate and inform British Columbians, right at the point of purchase, by educating them about what plants are safe and where to plant them. This is province-wide program has gained increasing traction since launching in select garden centres in 2022. But since it’s so new, not many folks know about it—let alone that many of the plants they love to keep close to their home could be the reason wildfire reaches it.
We went to the extreme to show homeowners that if they don’t know their FireSmart plants, they could be planting wildfire hazards all over their property. We produced a series of social ads featuring homeowners planting what appeared to be regular plants. Unfortunately, they turned out to be highly flammable items. Our creative campaign was released at the start of garden season, in tandem with the release of our plant tags in local participating garden centres.
We created and produced the series of ads all in-house with a rapid turnaround, without sacrificing production quality.
Earned Media.
We designed and produced all in-store Plant Program collateral, as well as handled public relations—garnering plenty of earned media attention.